

for Nail Technician & Cosmetology School

To complete the enrollment process, you will need to bring the following items at least one week before starting school.


1. Application for Admissions


2. Driver’s license, state issued identification card or birth certificate


3. Social Security card


4. Alien registration card (If from a country outside of the United States)


5. High school diploma or G.E.D certificate.


6. 2022 Tax returns (for the  2024/2025 award year)  (only if applying for Financial Aid)

     We can process your Financial Aid for you or you can apply online with FAFSA . 


School code: 030250 Abilene-Lubbock, San Angelo code




7. $25.00 Money order, cash or check made out to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation-Permit fee for registration with TDLR


8. First payment to 小优传媒 for tuition amount


Payments are determined based on financial aid/PELL GRANT availability.



Class Information

2025 Schedule

Dress Code:

Two scrub tops will be provided, and you will be responsible for buying your own black scrub pants. All students must wear their scrubs with socks and close toed/heeled shoes at all times (tennis shoes are recommended).

No gum please.

Note: Please arrive at school by 8:00 on your first day in order to give us time to prepare you for class. Lockers and books are issued on the first day.

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